Bridal Bouquet Class
Whimsical, unstructured wedding flowers have been on the upward trend.
Allow The Real Florist to help give your wedding a truly personal touch.
Get your wedding tribe together and Renee, our qualified Florist will guide each of you in making your own lush bouquets. You will learn how to design and construct a stunning hand-tied bridal bouquet, following along with Renee’s demonstration.
Bring the bubbly, get your wedding party together and even invite Aunt Betty along. There is nothing more bonding then to learn how simple and fun it can be to create your own unique bouquets with your own individual style.
Duration: 2-4 hours
Cost per person from $220.00
Includes: All flowers + materials plus a complementary throw away bouquet for the bride.
(additional travel fee may be incurred if on location)